Advanced Drawing
Advanced Drawing
Advanced - 🖌️🖌️🖌️
Instructor: Reem Bassous
10-weeks, In-person/ Room 2A
Saturday, 2-5pm, October 5 - December 14
Advanced Drawing builds upon techniques and concepts that were tackled in Intermediate Drawing with an additional focus on personal conceptual development. Students will learn how to reconcile concepts with technical applications that challenge and push their approach to drawing. Students will also learn to think beyond the frame, allowing for line and shape dimensionality.This class will include various theoretical readings relevant to the practice of drawing. Students will learn to conduct research and develop a visual research dictionary.
Materials List - These are the materials you will need for this class.
- 1 sketchpad of Yupo
- 4 sheets of Arches Cover Paper
- India Ink
- Brush set:
- Liquitex ink and pouring medium
- Blick Willow Charcoal
- Blick Compressed Charcoal
- Graphite Pencils: 2B, 4B, 6B, 9B
- Water-soluble graphite stick (Derwent or Lyra)
- Graphite powder (can be shared)
- Posca Paint Markers (color of choice)
- Gel Pens
Refund Policy and Course Selection
Covid Health Policy
Please find our full refund policy linked here.
If you are unsure if a class is right for you, please read our Pathway To Sucess: A Guide or have a conversation with a Faculty member or our Head of Faculty before the first week of the 10-week term ends. Once the second week of classes starts, no refunds will be offered.
For Workshops, Artist Demos, and Short Classes (classes less than 10 weeks in duration) - only withdrawals more than 14 days before the first day of class – 100% tuition refund*
A $25 administrative fee is applied to all refunds.
*If we can fill your spot, we will fully refund your tuition, less the administrative fee.