Lyrical Light
Lyrical Light
Intermediate - 🖌️🖌️
Instructor: Trevor Young
Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm, July 9 - August 27
8 weeks, In-person / Room 3A
In this course, students will learn methods for bringing the sensations of light, naturalness, and mood to painting from photographic references. This is not a photorealism class; students will learn how to adequately use references from art history to be used as a starting point. Sketches will act as a blueprint of what is to come and students will learn how to pull from photographs (printed images and books, not cell phones), pushing their understanding of image-making beyond simply what the photo offers. The focus will be to gain an understanding of creating freshness and light in painting. Students must keep a sketchbook and work independently out of class. Working on larger-sized canvases will be necessary.
Students will need to be able to print color images via an inkjet printer or photos printed ahead of class sessions. (such as at CVS)
Materials List - Please bring these materials with you.
- An assortment of brushes in various sizes and shapes—these should be soft brushes that are ready for use. Please do not use hard bristle brushes.
- A small assortment of palette knives (at least 2)
- Multiple surfaces in various sizes. Minimum size is 8” x 10”. For the larger sizes, Trevor recommends a minimum of 18” x 24”. This will be expanded on in class.
- All canvases must be toned prior to class. It is best to tone with acrylic paint. Tone in a mixture of Yellow Ochre and Raw Umber (50:50 ratio)
- Disposable Paper Palette, no smaller than 12” x 16” (the larger the better, please no small palettes)
- Paper towels or rags (WSS does not provide these for classroom use)
- Container for oil or acrylic mediums or solvents to take home. Please note this material cannot be disposed of in WSS sinks.
- Sketchbook and drawing pencils
- Straight edge, a ruler makes a good straight edge (optional)
Colors for Palette (you may paint with Oil or Acrylic, but Oil is recommended; Gamblin 1980 is an affordable choice):
- Cadmium red medium
- Cadmium red light
- Alizarin crimson
- Cadmium yellow or Cadmium yellow light
- Cadmium orange (optional)
- Yellow ochre
- Raw sienna
- Raw umber
- Ivory black
- Titanium white
- Flake white replacement or flake white hue (Gamblin; optional)
- Cerulean blue or Manganese blue hue, or Pthalo Turquoise ( King’s blue or Plaza brand:
- Cobalt blue
- Ultramarine blue
- Indigo blue (Winsor & Newton; optional)
- Prussian blue (optional)
Additional Materials needed if using acrylic paint:
- Water cup
- Small spray bottle
- A small bottle of acrylic medium (2 or 4 oz.), gloss finish (Golden recommended). Golden Acrylic Retarder is also a good medium.
Additional Materials needed if using oil paint:
- Small jars with lids (minimum 2 for solvents and mediums)
- Odorless thinner such as Gamsol, a small jar
- A small bottle of Gamblin’s Galkyd or Galkyd Lite (4.2 or 8.5 oz.)
Refund Policy and Course Selection
Covid Health Policy
Please find our full refund policy linked here.
If you are unsure if a class is right for you, please read our Pathway To Sucess: A Guide or have a conversation with a Faculty member or our Head of Faculty before the first week of the 10-week term ends. Once the second week of classes starts, no refunds will be offered.
For Workshops, Artist Demos, and Short Classes (classes less than 10 weeks in duration) - only withdrawals more than 14 days before the first day of class – 100% tuition refund*
A $25 administrative fee is applied to all refunds.
*If we can fill your spot, we will fully refund your tuition, less the administrative fee.