Preparing for a New Term
Plan and teach courses as scheduled by the Head of Faculty. You are encouraged to design new courses in discussion with the Head of Faculty.
Provide Administrative Staff with a syllabus of the class you are teaching, as well as a supply list for students. These should be provided NO LATER THAN 4 weeks before the beginning of each term.
During the Term
Attend Faculty Meetings.
Complete assessment forms at the end of each term for any certificate student in your classes. These will be emailed to you by the Certificate Program Coordinator.
Remind students to fill out evaluation forms at the end of each term.
In the Classroom
Provide model requests to our model coordinator in a timely manner.
Commence classes on time and adequately prepare classrooms prior to the start of each class.
Report any injuries that occur in your classroom to the Head of Faculty and Administrative Staff.
Report any inappropriate conduct involving models and/or students to the Head of Faculty and Administrative Staff.
Help keep classroom organized. Ask students to clean up at the end of class so that it is ready for the next instructor. Students must collapse easels, store taborets, wipe down excess oil paint/charcoal from easels. Faculty must return all still life items to their designated shelves in the still life room. Faculty must supervise equipment which include but are not limited to classroom sinks. Faculty must ensure proper habits are formed while cleaning brushes so as not to clog the drain. If any of the equipment malfunctions, report the issue to the Managing Director and Administrative staff immediately. Items belonging to specific classrooms will be labeled as such. Do not remove labeled items from their home.
Explain maintenance rules to students and enforce their application. (Refer to the health and safety manual).
Provide an annual update of your bio, website and 4-5 high-res images (300 dpi) with relevant information and a headshot by August 31st to Include a recent CV with exhibition information or professional development activities that may be highlighted in promotional material for WSS.
Voluntary and Appreciated
Document student work and provide high-res images of select work to your class-designated shared Google folder or directly to
Provide information regarding solo and group shows + artist talks and other related programs to for posting on the WSS website.
Attend open house events.
Orient students to where they can find lockers, drying racks, etc.
Counsel students on curriculum choices.
Advise students on submissions to the Annual Juried Student Show.
Write recommendation letters for exceptional WSS students using WSS letterhead (ask the Administrative Staff for letterhead info.)
Participate in critiques: Monthly open crits and Certificate Student crits to be held once every term.
Participate in Certificate Applicant reviews. This will be in collaboration with the Certificate Coordinator who will appoint 3 faculty members to be on the Certificate Committee annually.
Participate in Annual Faculty Exhibition.