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Padlet and Zoom


You will be given access to Zoom through your email to the WSS account. If you receive an email from Zoom, please accept this access request. Access is discontinued when the term is completed; we have a limited number of licenses and must rotate them each term based on need.

NOTE: You must use the account set up through WSS to access your Zoom class, NOT your personal account. The email you use for your class must be the one you provided to WSS for Zoom.

You will be assigned as host for your class.

You will receive a copy of the same Zoom & Padlet info sent to students before the class begins.

Troubleshooting questions should be directed to Sheba ( or Rachael (


You have access to the WSS Padlet account and are given full admin authority over your class padlet.

WSS sets up the page, but adds no content. You can set up the page however you want to best serve your teaching style and students.

Admin will send you & the students the page link before the class begins.

Students will never need to create an account in order to access WSS official Padlets for classes. Students access the class padlet via a link, which Admin shares with them before the term begins.

Privacy is set so that only you and students who have the link can access your class padlet page. Do NOT add your students or their email addresses via the “share” function. Students should log into Padlet on their own account and access your class padlet with the link only.

Instructors who set up personal Padlets, either on their own accounts or as part of their current instructor access to the main WSS account, will need to set their own security settings per their own needs.

Troubleshooting questions should be directed to Sheba ( or Rachael (


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