Fall Registration is Open!
Explore Our Classes
Yumiko Glover: Off the Clock
Art and Resistance in Hawaiʻi: A Lecture with Healoha Johnston
Artists in Conversation: Models Reflecting Life
Artists in Conversation: Viewpoint from the Model Stand
Painting Demo with Erin Raedeke: Setting up and Embarking on a Still Life Painting
PAINTING, POWER & PRESENCE: A Recontextualization for Painters, Creatives and Collectors
Artists in Conversation: Deborah Kahn and Susan Yanero
Lex Marie and Melvin Nesbitt Jr.: A Sense of Nostalgia
Artists in Conversation: Mojdeh Rezaeipour x Latrelle Rostant
Artists in Conversation: Erin Raedeke X Nicole Santiago
Artists in Conversation: Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann x Reem Bassous
Conversations About Vibrant Light: David Ibata x Trevor Young
Community Profile: Karen Loehr
Bolero Juilliard
Watercolor Techniques in Practice with Paul Pietsch
Are you a flower person or a flour person?: How flowers and baked goods can inspire your work
Printmaking at home with Brian Kelley
WSS IGTV Channel
Values, gestures, and reality: art prompts inspired by Caravaggio and Bernini
Caravaggio and Bernini
Short Film: Francisco Zuniga: Sculpture and Drawings
Enter the Third Dimension: how to make sculptures at home
In the Studio with Homer Yost
#DCArtModelCollective: Online Figure Drawing Sessions